The Coca-Cola Investor Relations information and Annual Report can be found here.
Coca-Cola Annual Report:The Coca-Cola annual report incorporates a mixture of both straightforward marketing and economical information regarding the past performance, current performance and predicted performance of the company. There is no "slick-marketing" techniques being carried out in the 2008 Annual Report, but rather an attractive angle on the performance of the company in which the company boasts its success. The Annual Report uses many graphics and images and puts impressive figures in bold, large font. It is beneficial for a company such as Coca-Cola to boast its success to investors considering the main goal of these reports is to give investors confidence and a reason to put money into the company. Coca-Cola posted their annual SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) 10-K (annual) filing in addition to a personable description of the Coca-Cola company of the year 2008; its goals it had set, achieved, and is making. To me, the goal of the Coca-Cola annual report was to tell a little about its impact on the world in 2008. The annual report gives Coca-Cola the ability to reach out to its consumers, investors, and employees in an honest and straight-forward fashion. Sure the report contains figures, but it also contains a little perspective from within the inner workings of the company to see the direction in which the company plans to take in the future.
Letter from the CEO:
The messages that the CEO and President of Coca-Cola are sending to investors are that Coca-Cola is a company of a long standing reputation of impressive growth and prospering business. The CEO and President address the problem of the economic crisis in 2008 and assure investors that Coca-Cola is not only still performing above expectation, but also expanding.
The tone of this letter is assuring, confident, and sincere. It was definitely constructed to be an instrument of confidence. Although the letter boasts Coca-Cola's success since its incorporation, It does not brag; it only states its achievements. It is definitely a credible publication that is glowing yet humble; there is always work to be done (which is the feeling I get when I read the annual report). Coca-Cola is one of the top trademarks in the world for a reason, and that reason is because Coca-Cola strives for better even when they have the best. Investors should be confident and assured when reading this letter based on the Company's performance and its bold intentions for the future.
Most Recent News Release
The latest news release relating to the company's earnings is written in a reader-friendly language which promotes all those who are interested in the company's business, including, but not limited to investors, consumers, employees; a chance to be able to track Coca-Cola's performance. An interesting note to ad about the involvement of those who are interested in the business of Coca-Cola is that the Coca-Cola Enterprise is making their quarterly conference call with the cheif executives a live podcast online for anyone with an internet connection to tune into. This makes people interested in becoming involved with the company thus creating more investors which ultimately increases stock value. Very nice PR Coke, very nice...
The news release is believable because the quotes that are made are back by figures of the year's and quarter's earnings from around the world. I would assume that this would instill confidence in the investors based on the great performance Coca-Cola pulled out of the 2009 third quarter. There is no bad news within this news release because it deals mostly with financial performance. The CEO of Coca-Cola Enterprises, John F. Brock, is quoted saying "“Year to date, we have achieved strong profit growth through successful execution of brand and marketplace initiatives and efficiency and effectiveness programs,” saidJohn F. Brock , chairman and chief executive officer. “Going forward, we continue to develop solid business plans for 2010 that will enable us to increase the efficiency and synergy of our system and deliver consistent, balanced growth.” If I was an investor I would surely be confident in this company. I mean...let's be real it has it all, a world renown image, financial growth, and a CEO that won't settle for the best. Could an investor as for more?
Letter from the CEO:
The messages that the CEO and President of Coca-Cola are sending to investors are that Coca-Cola is a company of a long standing reputation of impressive growth and prospering business. The CEO and President address the problem of the economic crisis in 2008 and assure investors that Coca-Cola is not only still performing above expectation, but also expanding.
The tone of this letter is assuring, confident, and sincere. It was definitely constructed to be an instrument of confidence. Although the letter boasts Coca-Cola's success since its incorporation, It does not brag; it only states its achievements. It is definitely a credible publication that is glowing yet humble; there is always work to be done (which is the feeling I get when I read the annual report). Coca-Cola is one of the top trademarks in the world for a reason, and that reason is because Coca-Cola strives for better even when they have the best. Investors should be confident and assured when reading this letter based on the Company's performance and its bold intentions for the future.
Most Recent News Release
The latest news release relating to the company's earnings is written in a reader-friendly language which promotes all those who are interested in the company's business, including, but not limited to investors, consumers, employees; a chance to be able to track Coca-Cola's performance. An interesting note to ad about the involvement of those who are interested in the business of Coca-Cola is that the Coca-Cola Enterprise is making their quarterly conference call with the cheif executives a live podcast online for anyone with an internet connection to tune into. This makes people interested in becoming involved with the company thus creating more investors which ultimately increases stock value. Very nice PR Coke, very nice...
The news release is believable because the quotes that are made are back by figures of the year's and quarter's earnings from around the world. I would assume that this would instill confidence in the investors based on the great performance Coca-Cola pulled out of the 2009 third quarter. There is no bad news within this news release because it deals mostly with financial performance. The CEO of Coca-Cola Enterprises, John F. Brock, is quoted saying "“Year to date, we have achieved strong profit growth through successful execution of brand and marketplace initiatives and efficiency and effectiveness programs,” said
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